Greetings, Lets get a Few things out of the way... I am a very honest person and
I tend to have high moral values and seem to be very old fashioned,for instance I truly consider my Honor to be worth more than my life, I often put the needs of others ahead of
The best way to describe me is a
Gentleman with a Darkside...
I am very Intelligent, Strong, Kind, Loyal, Well-Educated and Adaptable. My bane however is that I am very shy... My Early life was very harsh and it often left me lonely and of course Shy. I have yet to experience certain feelings and words such as "Love", but I am hoping to leave my past behind and discover such a beautiful word as "Love"
I am a college student about to graduate with honors and I am a part time Picker... I also donate part of my time to help rehabilitate animals... specifically helping Stray cats and dogs... Currently in my home there are 6 cats... I only own 2 of them @_@;;.
I am a huge Nerd and I love, Science,technology Video Games, Games, Adventures, I also have a very deep love for Nature.
I see many guys these days with girlfriends... I honestly find myself jealous, because I feel that I would do a better job of making their girlfriends happy. I feel that if someone were to look past my exterior and into my soul they would find an Infinite source of love and beauty. Yet to date, no one has done so.
I am looking for a Real connection and a real Relationship with someone, I would prefer that she have similar interests to my own. A Kind, Loyal, Sweet and Loving Girl, is the type of Person I could see myself settling down with.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.