Okay, well. If you've made it this far, read on... I live in Broolyn, NY and go to art school for industrial design. I am dedicated to my work and my friends, but in the words of Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy*, "My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever." I'm not a big partier, but I do like to have fun (of course... who doesn't?) I value honesty and natural beauty and I loathe untruthiness* and insecurity. *If you don't get these references, don't bother trying to contact me. If you do, good luck to you still, I'm picky.*

I'm somewhere between logical and OCD, free-thinking and structured, liberal and... really really liberal, excitable and controlled, playful and serious.
I like guys who are smarter than me, but not know-it alls. If you don't have a sense of humor (or at least make me laugh) don't bother, and if you are incapable of intelligent conversation and insight, again, don't bother (large vocabulary is a plus). I am extremely liberal in all political platforms, and if you're not that's okay, but you MUST be respectful and honest to everyone, regardless of their personal views.
Oh, and attractive

I may sound cynical, but I'm from boston and I live in NYC. It happens ;P. I'm very sarcastic, and I love Futurama, Lost, Dirty Jobs, the Daily Show, and Jon & Kate + 8. I'm not looking for the perfect man, just someone who'se hot, nice, funny and smart